About 80% of my work at my last job was magazine creation. I was responsible for the graphic design of these 7 magazines: Home
I would like to introduce myself. Hello, I’m Michael McCatty an experienced Graphic Designer. If you need someone that can do great design quickly, follow your instructions and your feedback, look no further.
About 80% of my work at my last job was magazine creation. I was responsible for the graphic design of these 7 magazines: Home
I was responsible for websites creating, maintaining, and adding new content to the sites. A few magazines placed every article online. Others would just place
All the images for EJIW (East Jordan Iron Works) were illustrated by me. It was much cheaper to have me draw them than hire a
This is a variable data job (some text and images changed based on the data who it was being printed for) one was wings, another
Along with magazine design work, I was often asked to do design work for other clients. Through the years, I’ve had many commercial clients. One
I’m open to options, but I would prefer working remotely and have lot’s off experience working with others from all over the United States. One
This is my assessment of my comfort and ability with these skills. I spent most of my time working with the skills that have the highest ratings. The others I just didn’t spend quite as much time using those skills. But could get there quickly if needed.
I’m looking for work please contact me if you think I could help you and your team.
Email: mmccatty@charter.net
T.E.A.M. This was the elementary sports program for all of the Traverse City School district. Featuring track, cross country, basketball, and volleyball. I started in
Guitar I like to make loud noise:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKleIuZDLKM Banjo This is my previous banjo, but I did the artwork on it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXvFoOk-nNM Running. I run every other day.www.runmi5k.com